The Widow Twanky of Contemporary Art

introducing ............

Saturday, January 07, 2006


I would go out and enjoy the country side on a saturday
but buses are rarer
and friends come for breakfast.
After the champagne its hard to move.
Today was no exception
The greyness of the world outside
was interupted by a visit from
the empress of all the Russias
with her friend Alladin.
Alladin has been at the magic lamp again
and fame will be his
very soon
His latest invention has set
the art work alight.
I have recently finish painting the sky with mud
and now I am painting mud with
a brush .........but it should be an air brush
I must go soon and start my quest for paradise.
It will be cold waiting for buses
but whats good enough for the Three graces, is good enough for me


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i checked and gif files should load fine resave your animation as a .gif and try again. keep animatin that widow!

6:41 pm  

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