The Widow Twanky of Contemporary Art

introducing ............

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

another paradise

Visions of speeding through the country side in search of paradise have been sabotaged by the complexity of modern travel and the pension.

Having negotiated the labarinthian way to the ticket office.

I discovered that I should have bought a ticket yesterday or last week, without three clear days notice the fare is to much

No matter I thought , I will go without the charm of coach and take the train.

As I am unable to afford my entire income for one and a half weeks for my ticket I will need to give 20 days notice in order to get a fare I can afford.

So that trip to paradise is shelved for the moment Goole will have to wait


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, I am thinking of setting up a college course on BUYING TRAVEL TICKETS and trading in FUTURES as they seem very similar. It certainly seems to me that predicting the future using sophisticated, statistical tools, along with truth tables and timetabling in the abstact, might be useful.After all what is the probability of being around in 20 days, mine you the french have been trading in travel futures up to 60 days in advance for some time now.

9:05 pm  

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